Active Queue

While Faximum is attempting to send a fax it displays the status in the Active Queue display.

Users see information about the faxes they submitted. The active FSA sees all of the entries.

If the fax transmission fails, Faximum will retry sending the fax depending on the values specified for the Class associated with the fax transmission. See automatic retry options. While Faximum is waiting to retry the transmission the information on the fax will continue to be displayed in the Active Queue dialog.

After a fax is successfully transmitted (or if the transmission fails and the retry options are exhausted) the information is erased from the Active Queue display and a record of the event is entered in the Account Log. Choose the Account Log button to see the final result.

If the retry options are exhausted Faximum enters the fax into the Suspended Queue. Once a fax is in the Suspended Queue you can try resending it to a different number (or the same number) or delete the fax.

If you see that the fax is not being successfully transmitted you can put the fax into the Suspended Queue yourself by choosing the Suspend Fax button. For example, if you notice that you entered an incorrect fax number you can suspend the fax and resend it from the Suspended Queue.

Note that you cannot suspend a fax transmission that is "in Progress". However, if the transmission fails and the system is waiting to perform a retry, you can suspend it then.

You can also cancel the transmission altogether using the Cancel Fax button.