Save to File

A menu item on the Browse Received Fax window that lets you save a fax under a useful name in an appropriate directory.

Select the fax and choose Save to File from the Action pulldown menu. Faximum displays the Fax File Saver dialog.

The Fax File Saver dialog lists the current directories and the files in the highlighted directory.

To type the full path
  1. Use the Save Fax File As: box to type the complete path to the file.
  2. Choose OK to save the data to the specified file.

To browse your directories and files
The top directory in the Directories list is the current directory. The directories listed beneath it are subdirectories of the current directory.

The Files list shows the files in the current directory.

    * Use the Directories list to find the directory where you want to store the file.

    As you change directories, the path in the Save File As box changes to reflect the current directory.

    * Specify the file and do the save:

Faximum saves the composition as a Class F compressed TIFF file.