The Permissions Dialog

The Permissions dialog lets the FSA assign users access to accounts, classes, dialing rules, printers and styles defined in the corresponding databases.

In each case, the dialog displays a list of valid choices. The FSA can select none, one, or more to associate with a Permissions Group Name in the Permission databse.

For example, the Use Accounts List displays valid accounts. To enable or disable accounts for a Permission Group Name do the following for each account:

  1. Select an account name. A rectangle appears around the name to indicate that it is the current selection.
  2. Select the button to the left of the account name to toggle it on or off.

Follow the same procedure to assign classes, dialing rules, printers and styles.

Each user must have Access Fax Server permission. In addition, each user must have access to at least one style, class, account, and dialing rule.