Faximum TechNote #155

Faximum TechNote #155


TITLE:    #155 - Configuring and using the Line Printer Intercept on SCO

KEYWORDS: lpfax line printer intercept LPI

RELEASE:  Faximum Client/Server for SCO UNIX and Open Server (1.0 and 2.3)
	  Faximum ELS and Faximum PLUS (v2.2 & 4) for SCO


PROBLEM:  Customer wishes to install and use the line printer intercept feature


SOLUTION: NOTE -- This Technote applies to SCO UNIX and related systems.
	  Please see TN#230 for Faximum ELS/PLUS on Linux.

	  To install the Line Printer Intercept on your SCO UNIX,
	  SCO Open Server 5, SCO (Caldera) UnixWare 7, or
	  Caldera Open UNIX 8 system:

	  1.  Disable the line printer scheduler by typing:


	      Check that no printing is happening before you type this
	      command so as to minimise any disruption to other print jobs.

	  2.  Create a "null" file by typing:
		touch /dev/lpnull
		chown lp /dev/lpnull
		chgrp lp /dev/lpnull
		chmod 660 /dev/lpnull
	      The "chgrp" command may return an error which may be ignored.

	      This file is needed to fool the UNIX line printer administration
	      command intot thinking a device is associated with the printer
	      we are about to define.

	  3.  If you are configuring the Faximum Line Printer Intercept on
	      SCO UnixWare 7 or Caldera Open UNIX 8 then you must edit
	      the interface script prior to proceeding to the next step.

	      Please edit the file /opt/faximum/lp/fax and add the
	      following line as the first line of the file (without
	      any white space before the # character):


	  4.  Add a new printer to the line printer spooling system by typing
	      one of the following:

[for Faximum Client/Server]

	/usr/lib/lpadmin -p fax -i /opt/FAXclient/lp/model -v /dev/lpnull

[for Faximum ELS or PLUS]

	/usr/lib/lpadmin -p fax -i /opt/faximum/lp/fax -v /dev/lpnull

	      Do not be concerned if you see an error of the form:

		UX:lpadmin: WARNING: "/dev/lpnull" is accessible by others.
                TO FIX: If other users can access it you may get
                     unwanted output. If this is not what you
                     want change the owner to "lp" and change
                     the mode to 0600.
                     Processing continues.

	  4.  Enable the line printer scheduler and fax printer by typing
	      the following:

		enable fax
		/usr/lib/accept fax

	      You ought to see a sequence of responses similar to the

		# /usr/lib/lpsched
		Print services started.

		# enable fax
		printer "fax" now enabled

		# /usr/lib/accept fax
		destination "fax" now accepting requests

	  To use the Line Printer Intercept on your SCO system follow
	  the instructions in the attached document.


	  1. Examine the Faximum system log (normally in /var/opt/faximum/log)
	     for error messages that might indicate the source of the
	     problem. If there are no entries in the log then proceed with
	     the following steps. If there are entries showing that the
	     fax has been queued but is not being sent out then the
	     most likely possibility is that the default class specified
	     in the fax script is to send the fax out overnight.
	     Edit the fax script and change the default class to 
	     something more appropriate to your needs (for example,
	     "Rush (Highest Cost)"). This script can be found in the
	     directory "/usr/spool/lp/admins/lp/interfaces".

	  2. If nothing appears to be queued when you submit a request
	     to the Line Printer Intercept, then edit the fax script in
	     the directory "/usr/spool/lp/admins/lp/interfaces" and add the
	     following line as the second line in the file:

	     exec > /tmp/lpi.$$ 2>&1

	  3. Submit a request to the Line Printer Intercept and then
	     examine any files in /tmp that start with the sequence
	     "lpi." followed by a number. These files may contain
	     error messages that indicate the cause of the problem.
	     If the messages in these files are not obvious, please
	     email them to support@faximum.com for analysis.

The Line Printer Intercept

Faximum's line printer intercept makes it possible to "fax-enable"
existing software applications easily. For example, using the line
printer intercept you can link your existing accounting application
to Faximum and automatically fax out your invoices-without having to
write any code.  The line printer intercept to Faximum provides a very
simple and straightforward mechanism for sending faxes automatically.
All that is necessary is that the document to be faxed (letter, invoice,
etc.) contain within it the information Faximum needs to prepare the fax.

In the simplest case, just the fax number. For example, including the
string //FAX(fax=1 604 926 8182) somewhere in the document is enough.
The document is then sent to the standard UNIX spooler (using the lp
command and specifying the fax pseudo-printer): lp -dfax < document.

Faximum extracts the fax number and other information (such as the
business form to use as an overlay as well as the priority of the fax)
from the //FAX parameter list and then removes the //FAX lines so they
do not appear on the faxed document. The faxes are then prepared and
sent just like any other fax request.

Not only can the line printer intercept take single documents, it can
automatically process single print files which contain faxes to
multiple destinations. It can handle an entire invoice run, with
hundreds of invoices, and correctly deliver each invoice to the
appropriate fax machine.

In many cases, your accounting system can be easily set up to include
the necessary information in the print files and to send it to the fax
printer. You can also use this mechanism through your word processing
package (WordPerfect, Word, or other) to send faxes from your WP
program. You can even broadcast faxes using the mail merge features of
your existing word processing software!

The line printer intercept can also handle overlays so that the fax can
appear as if printed on an invoice, purchase order, letterhead, or other
pre-printed business form.


The line printer intercept operates by examining the information sent
to the fax pseudo-printer looking for the sequence "//FAX(". The line
printer intercept then extracts the parameters that follow and uses
the information to prepare the fax.

For example, one could fax a letter to someone by preparing the
following file:

	//FAX(fax=1 602 926 8182;style=Company Letterhead)
	14 December 1992

	Dear Sirs:

And then by sending this file to the fax pseudo-printer:

	lp -dfax < file

Note that the line //FAX(fax....) is removed by Faximum before the fax
is prepared and therefore does not appear on the fax itself.

As we will see below, there are a number of parameters that can be set
in order to tell Faximum exactly how to prepare the fax. In addition,
defaults can be set up so that commonly used parameters need not be
specified each time. Indeed, one can have multiple fax pseudo-printers,
each with its own set of parameters. For example, the fax_invoice
pseudo-printer could be set up to overlay the invoice form automatically,
while fax_letter could be set up to use letterhead.

As many //FAX lines may be included as necessary to provide all of the
parameters to Faximum. Since there is no limit on the length of a line,
it is also possible to specify all of the parameters on a very long
line. Many parameters will be set by default if not specified so that
it is not necessary to include every parameter.

Note, however, that all of the //FAX lines related to a single fax must
appear on the same page. If the line printer detects a page break (i.e. a
formfeed or CTRL-L character) and then sees a line containing //FAX, it
will assume that this is the first page of a new fax to a different

The //FAX sequence need not be on the first line of the fax, nor need
it be the only thing on the line.

Fax Parameters

The general format of a line printer fax command line is:


There is no limit to the number of parameters permitted on a single fax
command line nor is there a limit on the number of fax command lines that
may be present. The closing parenthesis of the fax command line must
appear on the same line as the opening sequence //FAX(. If more than one
fax command line is present, they must all appear on the same page.
Parameters must be separated by a semi-colon and the last parameter
terminated by a closing parenthesis. If it is necessary to include a
semi-colon or closing parenthesis in the string defining the value for
a parameter, then they must be escaped using a back-slash (`\').
For example:

	//FAX(message=Invoices\; Statements\; and other stuff)

Matched or escaped parentheses may be used within parameters strings.
For example:

	//FAX(message=Look at (this) or try \) a right paren)

Finally, quotation marks (single or double) may be used to escape the
entire contents of the parameters string:

	//FAX(message="Anything goes including ;) characters")

The following parameter names may be specified in either upper or
lower case.

fax	The fax number.

	If intelligent dialling is enabled and this number does not
	consist of four components, then the default country code and
	area code will be added automatically.

file	The name of a file to be attached to the end of the fax. The
	line printer intercept will determine the type of the file based
	on an examination of the first several characters of the file.
	Up to four files may be attached by specifying the parameters
	file.1, file.2, etc.

from	The information about the sender to include on the cover sheet
	(if a cover sheet is to be generated according to the style
	specified). If this information is missing then the from
	information on the cover sheet will remain blank. This field
	may specify a single value, or may provide up to three
	sub-fields: from.name, from.title, and from.dept.

mailaddr	The name of the user to whom mail is to be sent if the
	request is unsuccessful.

	By default, mail will be sent to the user who ran the line
	printer spooler command.

message	The text of a short message to be placed on the cover sheet.
	For example:

		//FAX(fax=555 1212)

		//FAX(message=Confirmation of Verbal Order)

	Alternatively, a text file containing the coversheet message that
	is readable by all (i.e. r permission for everyone) may be
	referenced using the messagefile parameter. For example:

		//FAX(fax=555 1212;messagefile=/u/ar/msg/dunning)

print	Specifies that the fax ought to be sent to the printer before
	being transmitted. It is possible to specify any or all of the
	cover sheet (COVER), attachments (FILES or ATTACHMENTS), or
	confirmation (CONFIRM). The case of the keywords is not
	important. For example, print = Cover + Confirm.

	The confirmation print-out consists of a reduced-size image of
	the first page of the fax along with information confirming the
	successful transmission of the fax.

	To support previous software, the values No and Yes are also
	supported (yes is equivalent to Cover + Files).

	If more than one destination has been specified, only the cover
	sheet and attachments for the first destination will be printed
	(confirmations, if requested, will be printed for each
	destination). If yes, then the printer parameter (below) must be
	specified. Optional (default is no).

printer	The name of the printer (from the printer database) to use to
	print the fax (the printer database specifies the command to use
	to access a printer on your UNIX system). Required if the print
	parameter (above) is set to yes.

subject	The text of the subject line to be placed on the cover sheet (if
	a cover sheet is to be generated according to the style specified).

	If this information is missing then the subject information on the
	cover sheet will remain blank.

to	The addressing information to place on the cover sheet (if a
	cover sheet is to be generated according to the style
	specified). If this information is missing then the to
	information on the cover sheet (if present) will remain blank.
	This field may specify a single value, or may provide up to
	four sub-fields: to.name, to.title, to.dept, and to.company.
	For example:

		//FAX(to.name=John Doe;to.dept=Accounting)
		//FAX(to.company=ACME Concrete)

The following three parameters are related to the database that control
the operation of Faximum. More information on these databases may be
found in Chapter 2 of the Faximum PLUS Reference Manual, or in the online

account	The account the fax is to be charged to.*

class	The class of service to be used.

	The class of service specifies various scheduling parameters that
	affect when the fax will be sent (and if long distance, how much
	it will cost). *

style	The style of the fax to be used.

	The style of a fax specifies various parameters that affect the
	appearance of the fax. Included are such things as: the design
	and layout of the cover sheet; the resolution and page length;
	and the form overlay (if any) to use. *

* If these fields are blank then a default value will be used if the fax
is submitted through the UNIX line printer spooler. If, however, you are
using the Line Printer Intercept through a word processing program such
as Word Pefect, then you must specify values for each of these three
parameters as no defaults are available. Note also that the account and
class parameters are only available with Faximum PLUS and Client/Server
(but not Faximum ELS).

//FAX versus //-FAX

As mentioned earlier in this document, the Faximum line printer
intercept strips out the //FAX sequence and following parameters so
they do not appear on the fax. An obvious question is what effect this
has on the alignment of the other printed information.

If the parameters information is introduced with //FAX, then each
character of the //FAX sequence along with the following parameters
will be replaced with a space character and the new-line at the end
of the line will be kept. This means that the position of other
information on the page (including information on the same line as
the //FAX sequence) will be the same as if the document were printed
with the //FAX sequence.

In some cases this is not what is desired. In certain circumstances it
is desirable to add the //FAX sequence as a new line before the body of
the (say) invoice and have the entire //FAX line, including the
new-line character, removed. If this behaviour is desired, then (a) use
the sequence //-FAX instead of //FAX, and (b) start the //-FAX sequence
in column one and do not include any non-blank characters after the
closing `)'.

In general, //FAX ought to be used with programs such as word processing
programs where the line containing //FAX is counted by the application as
one of the printed lines. For applications in which the line containing
the //-FAX is extra and not counted when determining page breaks etc.,
then the //-FAX form ought to be used.

Form Alignment

One of the problems that will probably have to be addressed when setting
up the line printer intercept to print, (say) invoices, is the alignment
of the data on the form. The positioning of the data on the form can be
changed by varying the top and left margins as well as changing the
horizontal and vertical spacing (i.e. the character per inch horizontally
and the line per inch vertically).

If your version of Faximum that supports the faxing of PCL files,
this can be done either by inserting the appropriate HP PCL control
sequence before each page of data as it is printed, or by modifying the
line printer interface script itself.

If your system does not support PCL, then you can use asciitiff commands
instead to adjust the margins (see the manual page for the asciitiff
command for the details).

The advantage of modifying the line printer interface script is that
the application itself does not have to be changed. The disadvantage
is that should you be using more than one type of form it will
probably be necessary to define a different line printer interface
for each form since the alignment of each form will differ (and the
interface script will be tuned for one type of form only).

Should you decide to edit the line printer interface script, complete
instructions may be found in the comments to the script itself. Once
the line printer interface has been installed (see below), look in
the directory "/usr/spool/lp/admins/lp/interfaces" for a file with
the name you chose during installation for the line printer intercept

Should you decide to include the PCL control sequences in your printed
output, the sequences to use include (where \E represents the ESC
character and # any decimal number):

\E&l#C	height of each row of print (where # is in units of 1/48 in.)

\E&k#H	width of each column of print (where # is in 1/120 in. units)

\E&l#F	number of lines on each page before jumping to a new page

\E&a#P	page orientation (0=portrait, 90=landscape...)

\E&a#L	left margin (where # is the column number)

\E&l#E	top margin (where # is the line number)

More information on available PCL sequences may be found in your HP
LaserJet printer manual.


Should you be using one or a small number of forms with the line printer
intercept, you can edit the line printer interface script (see the file
/usr/spool/lp/admins/lp/interfaces/fax on UNIX systems or the file
/usr/spool/lp/interface/fax on SCO XENIX systems) to define defaults to
use in the event that your print file does not explicitly define certain
parameters. The three parameters that can be set by default are the
account, class, and style parameters. See the comments in the line
printer interface script for more information.

Note that default values are not available when using the line printer
intercept through WordPerfect.


The overlays (i.e. images of pre-printed forms) can be prepared in a
number of ways. First, one can either scan in an existing form or, if
a scanner is not available, fax it to your Faximum system. The overlay
can also be prepared using a forms or desk-top publishing package that
produces PCL or PostScript output.

While scanning (or faxing) an existing form is the easiest method, the
quality of the overlay image will be lower than if produced by a DTP
system and converted directly into TIFF format.

If the form is faxed in, the tiffcut utility can be used to remove the
top-of-page banner that may appear on the top of the received fax. For
example, to remove the top half-inch from a TIFF file use:

	/opt/faximum/bin/tiffcut -x 0.5i -o form.tif inbox-254

If the form has been produced using a DTP package (such as FrameMaker),
the PostScript file can be converted into TIFF format by using the
appropriate conversion script:

	/opt/faximum/convert/ps -o form.tif form.ps

This assumes that you have installed a PostScript emulator for Faximum.

Should your DTP package produce PCL output (instead of PostScript), use
the /opt/faximum/convert/pcl instead in the example above.

Once the overlay TIFF file has been created, it needs to be moved to a
known directory (/etc/opt/faximum/coversheet is recommended) and then
referenced in a new style.

For more information on the Style database please see the on-line help, or,
in the case of Faximum PLUS, see Chapter 8 of the Faximum PLUS Reference
Manual for a discussion on how to create new entries in system databases
and Chapter 2 for information on the style database in particular.


Installing the line printer intercept to Faximum requires that you create
a new line printer destination for your UNIX line printer spooler and
then adjust it to point to Faximum rather than to a real physical printer.

The detailed instructions on how to do this may be found in the
Installation Guide and Release Notes in the section titled Line Printer

Word Processors

The line printer intercept for Faximum is not limited to faxing invoices
and other financial documents from accounting applications. It can also
be used for sending faxes directly from your word processing program.
Indeed, you can use the mail merge facility from within your word
processing program to broadcast to multiple destinations.

NOTE that the ability to access the line printer intercept through your
word processor is different and in addition to the fax macro provided
for WordPerfect and Microsoft Word.

To differentiate between the two mechanisms:

 - the fax macro does not require that you make any changes to your
   document, rather, when you invoke the fax macro, the document is
   passed to Faximum and you are placed in the Faximum user interface
   to address the fax;

 - the line printer intercept, on the other hand, does not utilise the
   Faximum user interface. Rather, you must include the addressing
   information within the document you are preparing.

The advantage of the fax macro is that you do not need to make any
changes to the document since the addressing information (the fax number
etc.) is entered separately. The advantage of the line printer intercept
is that it can extract the addressing information (i.e. the fax number
etc.) from the documents

Current Limitations

The current implementation of the line printer intercept will only work
with ASCII and PCL files (not PostScript).

TechNote: 155 - Copyright 1996-2003 Faximum Software Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Last Updated: Mon Mar 24 14:25:06 PST 2003
Find all Faximum TechNotes at http://www.faximum.com/support

© Copyright 2003 Faximum Software Inc. All Rights Reserved.