faximum.conf - Master Server Configuration File


The following table lists the various parameters. These parameters are all optional unless otherwise noted. The config file contains information that controls the operation of the Faximum server.

The file consists of a number of lines of the form name = value, where name is the name of a parameter and value is the value the parameter is to have. If a parameter value contains white space, it must be quoted. The value component may be quoted using the same syntax as the shell and may include any of the following escape sequences: \b (backspace), \e (escape), \f (formfeed), \n (newline), \r (carriage return), \t (tab), and \nnn (character with octal value nnn). For example:

name = value
name = "value value value"
name = "This \" string is funny"

The following table lists the various parameters. These parameters are all optional unless otherwise noted.

completion-program = program-pathname
Program to run when a fax request is dequeued either because it was successfully transmitted, or because faxsched decided to suspend the request. Program must be located under ~fax.

minimum-free-blocks = number
Minimum number of blocks free in file system containing /var/spool/fax/inbox before faxlisten will answer an incoming fax call. A value of zero implies "always answer".

minimum-idle-lines = number
Minimum number of fax lines idle before a transmit attempt will be made. On a single-line system this must be set to 0 or else no faxes can be sent.

spool-directory = pathname
The fax system spool directory. The installation default is /var/spool/fax