dpstiff - Render and Convert PostScript to TIFF

dpstiff [ options ] files

Dpstiff converts a PostScript file into a raster image stored in a TIFF-F file. If the -o option is not used to name an output file, the output file is named by taking the input file name and adding .tif. If the filename already ends in a "." extension, then the extension is replaced with .tif. No input file or a file with the name `-' implies standard input. Normally this program is called by the shell program /opt/FAXserver/convert/ps (see convert).

Note that dpstiff uses the Display PostScript system, and as such, will only work if the system is currently running Open Windows.


Appends to an existing TIFF file (otherwise overwrites existing file). The file is created if it does not already exist.
Enables debug output. 196 d.p.i. vertically). This is the default.
Produces low (standard) resolution output (204 d.p.i. horizontally and 98 d.p.i. vertically).
-o file
Place rendered output in file. This option implies -a. A missing output file causes dpstiff to replace the input file extension (if any) with .tif and use this file for output. A missing input and output file sends output to stdin.tif.
-O file
The overlay file option can be used to specify the name of a TIFF file to be overlayed on each page after it has been rendered. If the overlay file contains only one TIFF page, this page is overlayed on every page rendered by dpstiff. If the overlay file contains more than one TIFF page, the first page is overlayed onto the first page rendered by dpstiff, and the second overlay file page is overlayed on every subsequent page rendered by dpstiff.

asciitiff, convert, pcltiff, tifftiff