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Faximum Product Manuals

We are in the process of converting all of our documentation into HTML (i.e. Web) format and have put the preliminary results up on the web for your amusement.

More work needs to be done, both in the conversion of the documents into HTML, as well as the actual content and organisation. But we think you will agree that HTML is the obvious format for on-line manuals and we will start issuing all manuals in both print and on-line (HTML) format shortly.

This documentation is preliminary and still contains errors that need to be corrected but it still provides an excellent in-depth view of the software.

Documents in Browsable HTML Format

Faximum Client/Server Documentation

Faximum PLUS Documentation

Documents in Downloadable PDF
(Adobe Acrobat) Format

Faximum ELS/PLUS Release 2.1 Installation Guide and Release Notes (IGRN)

Faximum ELS/PLUS Release 2.1 Reference Manual

Faximum ELS/PLUS Release 2.2 Installation Guide and Release Notes (IGRN)



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Last updated 2003-12-08


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