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Email Infrastructure, Testing Your

As mentioned in the installation section of this manual ("Installation" on page 19), the Faximum Messaging Software is designed to add faxing capabilities to your existing email system. Obviously this means that your email system must be able to exchange email messages from any user who wishes to use FMS and the FMS system.

You can test that your email system is able to do this by running the following tests. Since these tests run independently of the FMS software you can perform these tests before you have installed the FMS product.

In the discussions below we will refer to the server system you have chosen to host the FMS software as the FMS server and will assume that the domain name for this server is the examples below please change to the actual domain name for the system that will be running the FMS software. Similarly we will use the email address in our examples; please change this to an actual email address within your organisation.

Email Test 1 - Server to User

To test the ability of the FMS server to email your users try running the following command on your FMS server:

After running this command, check to verify that a short message containing the date (output from the date command) has arrived at the specified user's email account. If there was no error when you ran the above command but the message did not arrive then please check with your network administrator to determine the cause of the failure of your email system.

Note: if the above command fails with an error message complaining that "/usr/lib/sendmail" not found then this indicates either (a) that your sendmail executable is not in the /usr/lib directory or (b) that you do not have sendmail or Postfix installed.

Please see "Sendmail, Locating" on page 68 for information on how to determine the correct pathname to use for sendmail.

If you cannot find your sendmail executable then you may not have sendmail or Postfix (or an email server that provides equivalent functionality) installed. If this is the case please contact Faximum Software for instructions on how to proceed.

Email Test 2 - User to Server

To test the ability of your users to send email to the FMS server please try to send a message from any user system to

After your test message has been sent, check on the FMS server that root has received your message. If it has not then please check with your network administrator to determine the cause of the failure of your email system.

© 2000 Faximum Software Inc.

Faximum Technical Support

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